
Training Days at the Southern Bookcrafts Club take place throughout the year at our bindery in Winchester.
The schedule of one-day classes is published on a bi-annual basis to allow plenty of time for forward planning – so book early as these courses are very popular.
The bookbinding subjects covered are very wide-ranging. Some courses are suitable for beginners with some basic knowledge whilst other courses will appeal to more advanced practitioners.
Each course typically runs from 10.00 to 16.30 and is usually limited to a maximum of 10 people.
In advance of each course, attendees will be provided with a list of tools and materials required (if you are don’t have the equipment the Club may be able to assist).
Free coffee, tea and biscuits are provided. Please bring a packed lunch – a microwave is available if required.
For some courses there is a small additional charge (typically £5 – £10 per person) payable to the tutor for materials provided.
Please note training days can only be confirmed once payment has been made to the following account.
Account: SBC.
Sort code: 55-50-23.
Account no: 09004696